Monday, July 19, 2010

Oxis International: Anti-aging, antioxidant, glutathione, Penny Stock & Free Radicals

OXIS International, Inc. and is involved in research, development and marketing of agricultural products that the adverse effects of oxidative stress to neutralize.

See Oxis on facebook

Oxidative stress refers to an agent of a party, the antioxidant capacity of the watchdog group and others in March aka Free Radical anti-AUT species are highly reactive oxygen and nitrogen and a healthy balance has been exceeded you lose your normal risk of extinction or cell.

Our products include therapeutic nutraceuticals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and clinical formulation developed internally or licensed from biotechnology, anti-aging, antioxidant, glutathione, March penny stock price free radicals and pharmaceutical companies and drug candidates .

We focus Silla Nature Protection, and therefore more effective and probably safe. Our main products include and highlight the appearance of many "super antioxidant compound L-Ergothioneine (ERGO) is the component of the United Nations. Carrier We have a number of patents pending and has requested that the print product and ergo-cell current under the cover that are relevant to our business and our patent cosmecuetical and nutraceuticals. patent application in March to securities transactions and ergo protection cell and production.

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